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The Nursery

Here you'll find information on a large variety of plants that Bridget uses for her landscapes.  Using the forms below, you can search by category, common name, or botanical name.

Search by Category

Click on the check boxes to select the type of plants or items you're interested in (or to view all items, leave all boxes unchecked), then click the "Find Items" button to get detailed information and pictures.

Plants that: Other categories:
like full sun

like partial shade

like full shade

attract butterflies

attract hummingbirds

come back every year (perennials)

only live one year (annuals)










Search by Common Name

Type any part of a common name and we'll find everything that has those characters in it's common name.

Search by Botanical Name

Type any part of a botanical name and we'll find everything that has those characters in it's botanical name.




(512) 736-4859

7205 Holly Fern Cove Austin TX 78750


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